Monday, May 09, 2005

Catastrophe or opportunity?

The Post-Dispatch ran an excellent article on the impact military base closures have on the communities in which they reside. They take a stab at examining the doom and gloom predictions of locals politicians and business leader when Uncle Sugar leaves town.

Scott Air Force Base's future is in the hands of the base closure recommendation process, a process no politician wants to publicly associate themselves with.

If Scott were to be shuttered, innovative and creative ideas could provide a needed rebound for the local economy. The story listed several successful retooling of area bases. Some seemed more feasible than others, flight-based operations are unlikely to move in given the lackluster performance at Mid-America Airport. However, agribusiness might find the location perfectly suited, perhaps a partnership with local universities to look into agricultural pharmaceuticals.

Like most events in life, a good plan and some creative thinking could turn what looks to be a problem into an opportunity.

Additional: Harry Levins of the Post-Dispatch has a good article on the effect a base closing has on local retired military members.

- Murphy

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